Tuesday, January 4, 2011


On days I don't have a ton to say I wanted to spend writing about one family member. Today is Marcel's day. I am a person of few words so I thought I would share some pictures.
This picture is one of my favorite. He has on his outfit that his great grandma sent him. I love his wonderful smile. He is always so happy.
Here he is sleeping on daddies lap. He still loves his swaddle. This one is still too big for him but it works in a pinch.
He was getting the Christmas tree here. He loved the sled. He is very brave.

Just another picture of his smile.

One of my favorite outfits on him. He looks so good in yellows and oranges.

Me and Marcel. He is a mommy's boy. He cries every time anyone holds him. I hope he will be good for my niece in two days.

Him standing in his playpen. He loves standing but he doesn't pull himself up yet. He is so proud of himself in this picture.

Noelle checking his diaper. She loves to change him and he adores her.

Here he was sleeping but woke up. He doesn't sleep well without that swaddle.
Noelle got a computer and he keep taking it so we got him his own for Christmas.

His first present Christmas day. He looks so happy but then he is almost always happy.

I just realized I put in 11 pictures so I should end this. I will put more about him again another day. In a way I feel like I said a lot about him in very few words. I guess a picture is worth a thousand words so here is my 11,000 word post.

1 comment:

  1. Marcel is so adorable!! I cannot believe how fast he's grown!
